Electrical engineering
Electrical engineering is one of the disciplines in the Department of Engineering and Physics, which also includes Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering and Physics.
At Karlstad University, you can study electrical engineering on undergraduate (grundnivå) level that leads to Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Electrical Engineering. The study program focus in the area of electrical and renewable energy systems for sustainable development. A Bachelor of Science from Karlstad University may be employed in several industrial sectors such as in electrical energy and environment, climate and social sustainability, automated and digitalized systems, infrastructure and smart systems and many other.
The undergraduate education in electrical engineering gives you theoretical, experimental and practical skills in mathematics and programing, electrical and electronic systems, electric machines and power electronics, electrical power and renewable energy systems, modelling and control of systems, industrial systems and automation. Description of the studies one can find by visiting https://www.kau.se/utbildning/program-och-kurser/program/TGHEL.
Laboratory, software and digital facilities are available to conduct high-quality educational activities. The electrical engineering group collaborates with an industrial consortium of national and international companies aiming to provide high expertise on education and applied research activities as well as excellent opportunities for career development and business networking in the employment market. More information by visiting https://www.kau.se/elsam-elektroteknikstudenter-och-foretag-i-samverkan.