Workshop on remote services in Swedish Industry
2016-11-14In October CTF organized a workshop in Karlstad with focus on remote services in the manufacturing industry. IT-based services within manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly common which open up for new ways to interact, but introducing new technology is also a challenge and many questions arise.
This was the starting point for the workshop where a number of companies from the manufacturing industry participated. The common denominator of all participating companies was that they now offer remote services. The workshop was moderated by Professor Heiko Gebauer. He is one of CTF´s international guest researchers and works for a Swiss research institute. He has been working closely together with international companies on the transition from products to services for 15 years.
- Many companies will start charging for concepts they previously have offered for free, for example, in the form of advice through phone calls. The opportunities for value creation through the use of remote service is huge, but many companies are experiencing difficulties to communicate and sell this type of services both within the company and externally towards the customer. As with many other services, it is difficult in advance to demonstrate the value that is created through the use of remote services, says Ph D Nina Löfberg, one of the researchers behind the workshop.
The workshop was organized within the framework of the research profile “Service innovation for sustainable business”, which covers the period 2011-2019 and is financed by the Knowledge Foundation, Karlstad University, Ikea, Ericsson, Volvo, Löfbergs, Ica, Stamford and Valmet.