Stephen L. Vargo Visiting Professor at CTF
2011-12-16One of the world's leading researchers in marketing, Stephen L. Vargo, has been appointed as visiting professor at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University.
Stephen L. Vargo is a Shidler Distinguished Professor and Professor of Marketing at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His primary areas of research are marketing theory and thought and consumers´ evaluative reference scales.
He has been presented several awards for his research, for example the Harold H. Maynard Award by the American Marketing Association for "significant contribution to marketing theory and thought". His articles have been published in highly ranked scientific journals and he is author or co-author of a series of best-selling books on marketing.His 2004 article in the Journal of Marketing titled "Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing" is the most-cited marketing article published in this new millennium.
- I feel honored to be invited to CTF and Karlstad University as a visiting professor. CTF is one of the world´s leading service-research centers and has contributed approximately 100 journal articles, conference papers, and doctoral thesis to my primary research area, service-dominant (S-D) logic, the most of any service-research centers in the world. I look forward to continuing my relationship with Bo Edvardsson and to work with other researchers at CTF and students at Karlstad University on the further development of S-D logic in general and service innovation, specifically, says Stephen L. Vargo.
Major contribution to research and education
- I am very proud that we have been able to recruit Stephen L. Vargo as a visiting professor to CTF and Karlstad University. He is one of the most popular marketing researchers in the world. Stephen L. Vargo will be involved in research and in research projects at CTF, especially in the research profiles "The new service economy +" and "Service Innovation for sustainable business", both founded by the KK- foundation, says Professor Bo Edvardsson, Director of CTF and Assistant Vice-Chancellor at Karlstad University.
The Visiting professorship is funded by Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research, which provide grants to cover the cost of a visiting professor at the CTF for a month for two years. The Foundation Board is also prepared to take a position with regard to grants for a further year.