New book explains service innovation
2019-04-18Service innovation is a concept that, for the last decade, has received increased attention both among academics as well as practitioners. But it is not easy to understand what the concept means, and why it is important. The new book “Service Innovation for Sustainable Business: Stimulating, Realizing and Capturing the value from service innovation” discusses and explains service innovation based on contemporary research at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University.
Editors are: Professors Per Kristensson, Peter Magnusson and Lars Witell at CTF. The new book explains service innovation from three different perspectives: stimulation, realization, and value capture.
The first part of the book focuses on stimulation, and includes how service innovation begins in organizations. The second part of the book, which focuses on realization, includes chapters related to how service innovation is acually happening. Finally, the book focuses on value capture, and how to create and acquire the value which new services enable, and explains the dynamics of value creation through service.
Academia and industry in collaboration
The book is based on research results generated within CTF's research profile "Service Innovation for Sustainable Business", which aims to describe and understand the DNA of service innovation, the mechanisms in the development and functioning of service innovation.
"Together with partner companies and international researchers, we have written a book on the most burning issues on service innovation.. The book reflects the knowledge we have developed in recent years, and shows the breadth of knowledge needed to understand what service innovation is", says Lars Witell, Project Leader of the research profile and one of editors of the book.
The book is aimed at academics, students and practitioners with an interest in service innovation. It contains examples from business-to-business, business-to-customer, and public organizations. Two of the chapters are co-written with the companies Ikea and Tobii Pro.
The research profile is financed by the KK Foundation, Karlstad University, Ikea, Ericsson, Volvo, Löfbergs, Ica, Stamford and Valmet, during the period 2011-2019.