Johan Quist new Associate Professor of Business Administration
2018-06-14Johan Quist, researcher at CTF, has been appointed Associate Professor of Business Administration at Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University. His research interests revolve around how the public sector can be better, more relevant and appropriate.
Johan Quist does research in the public sector, with focus on service logic. He studies the transition from product oriented operations based on the logic of producing companies to a service logic operation where the citizens’ needs are put into focus.
“As customers, patients or citizens, we experience a variety of interaction with organizations and institutions. A doctors visit, apply for parental leave imbursement online, or a phone call to a call center when you need to claim your car insurance or a purchase of a new sofa. We experience this interaction as processes with ourselves as the central reference point. Through my research I have stressed that there is a point in walking in the customer’s shoes every now and then. It helps organizations see flaws and gaps,” says Johan Quist.
Johan Quist is a lecturer in business administration at Karlstad Business School. He is a researcher at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, where he has been running the network “The Academy for Citizen Centered Government Services” for many years, together with Martin Fransson. He is the co-author of the book “Public Service Dominant Logic”, and is a widely engaged lecturer in the public sector.