Holiday greetings from CTF´s Director
2018-12-20The Holidays are approaching, and another research year is coming to an end. When I look back at 2018 I feel very proud.
During the year, we had five PhD defenses, which is eight in total if we also count 2017. It is a clear indication that CTF is an academic environment to count on. We have hosted several events, for example the Service-Dominant Logic Day, and the conferences: Nordic Relationship Dynamics and Service Convention Sweden 2018. Next year we organise QUIS16, The 16th International Research Symposium on Advancing Service Research and Practice, here in Karlstad.
When I look back at the research conducted at CTF during the year, I notice that our research meet several of the global goals in Agenda 2030. Also, several of our researchers have been very successful in attracting new research projects, which is promising for the future.
I would like to thank everyone for the past year, and at the same time share an idea for a Christmas gift that might be interesting to both practitioners and academics, an old classic. The book I am suggesting has the suspect title: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. The author is Dale Carnegie, famous CEO in the 1940's and 1950's, who liked to reflect on how to give speeches, win friends without trying to win friends, and topics that have an astonishing accuracy in today’s society, even though it was written over 80 years ago. For me, the book is more about how to behave towards people and the mere reason why organisations exist, namely to help other people and organisations create value.
Happy Holidays!
Per Kristensson