Henrik Öhlin receives the Hedelius Scholarship
2014-12-16On December 17th Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation announced the recipients of this autumn’s scholarships. The Foundation promotes Postgraduate studies at foreign universities, and one of the recipients is Henrik öhlin, Ph D student at CTF.
Congratulations Henrik, you are one of the recipients of the scholarship!
- Thank you! I am both happy and proud to receive this scholarship. I would like to thank my colleagues and supervisors at CTF for their support in my work and them encouraging me to apply for scholarships to pursue my studies abroad. This scholarship will fund a six-month stay in New Zealand where I will pursue my Ph D studies at the University of Otago under the guidance of the renowned Scholar, Associate Professor David Ballantyne. I am convinced that this will benefit the work on my thesis and give me the opportunity to make international comparisons which can strengthen my existing research results and make them more unique. When I return to Karlstad University I hope to bring new inspiring ideas and thoughts that hopefully will encourage others international cooperation. Applying for scholarships give more people the opportunity to study abroad and thus develop and maintain the international network of CTF and Karlstad University.
Henrik has been awarded 128,000 SEK from Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation whose purpose is to promote Social Science research primarily in Economic History, Economic Geography, Business Administration, Economics and Econometrics. During the year 2014, there were 152 scholarships awarded totaling 151 million SEK.