CTF arranged a two-day seminar on Service Dominant Logic
2018-10-29In October, CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, arranged a two day seminar on Service-Dominant Logic. The program was formed around Stephen L Vargo, one of the researchers behind the marketing theory, and one of the world’s top ranked researchers.
- Our Service-Dominant Logic days were very successful. There were about 70 participants from different universities in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and some European countries, and one of the participants came all the way from Australia, says Per Kristensson, Professor and Director of CTF.
The first day, a seminar was held on the future opportunities of Service Dominant Logic, future theoretical development and positioning towards other theories and topics both within marketing and in other disciplines. On day two, a workshop was organized where doctoral students presented and developed their dissertation work in relation to the marketing theory.
- Stephen L. Vargo has made quite an accomplishment with his work on Service-Dominant Logic and, in addition, for the fifth consecutive year is on the “Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list”, a list from Web of Science, which includes the world’s most prominent researchers. It is very exciting that he has succeeded so well in his theory-making work, this is a great example of innovation within academia. It is extra nice that he mentions Karlstad University as his second university, since few Swedish universities are listed on the Clarivate list, we are very happy to be included.
The two-days seminar were organized on October 17-18th. In addition to Stephen L. Vargo, the program included CTF researchers Bo Edvardsson, Per Kristensson and Kaisa Koskela-Huotari.