Consortium meeting within Service Design for Innovation Network
2018-02-05Last week CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, together with Experio Lab, hosted a consortium meeting in Karlstad within the European research training network SDIN.
In addition to supervision of the doctoral candidates associated with SDIN, and a board meeting, a public conference was arranged with the intention to disseminate some of the research conducted within the project.
– This was the third SDIN conference and this time the focus was on service design for innovation in healthcare. SDIN researchers presented research concerning training healthcare employees for patients of the future by using service design, scaling up of service innovations, and how patients can contribute to service innovation in primary healthcare, to mention a few topics, says PhD Maria Åkesson, researcher at CTF and project leader.
SDIN, Service Design for Innovation Network, started in January 2015 and will run until December 2018 with funding from the EU research program Horizon 2020. The aim of the project is o develop relationships between service design and innovation researchers at leading European Universities. The project is a collaboration between CTF, Experio Lab at the County Council of Värmland, Linköping University, University of Porto, Maastricht University, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and EDP Comercial. For more information, please visit