Call for Papers (ASLA)

The 2018 symposium theme is “Classroom research and language/languaging”. As usual, the symposium also welcomes submissions in other areas of applied linguistics.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Language use in the classroom
- Multilingualism and new arrivals
- Theories and methods in applied linguistics
- Language teaching and learning
- Translanguaging
- Language teacher education/teachers’ professional development
- Language competence, development, and assessment
The official conference languages are Swedish and English, and we welcome submissions for both individual papers and colloquia in these languages. As ASLA strives to foster collaboration between the Nordic countries, we also welcome submissions in Danish and Norwegian.
Abstracts (max 300 words, including references) for both individual papers and colloquia are submitted via EasyChair, see link under “Abstract submission”. If you are submitting an abstract for a colloquium, please also upload a file comprising the author names, titles, and abstracts of the individual colloquium papers. Deadline: November 1, 2017. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out no later than December 15, 2017.
Program committee
Eric Borgström, Teresa Cadierno, Susanne Duek, Stina Ericsson, Jonas Granfeldt, Henrik Gyllstad, Päivi Juvonen, Anna-Malin Karlsson, Silvia Kunitz, Marie Källkvist, Per Ledin, Birgitta Ljung Egeland, Stefan Lundström, Ingmarie Mellenius, Nigel Musk, Marie Nordlund, Eva Olsson, Åsa Palviainen, Bethanne Paulsrud, Anne Reath Warren, Jenny Rosén, Erica Sandlund, Andrea Schalley, Thorsten Schröter, Olcay Sert, Gustaf B. Skar, Karianne Skovholt, Pia Sundqvist, Liss Kerstin Sylvén, Michael Tengberg, Marie Tåqvist, Christian Waldman, Åsa Wedin, Jonathan White, Søren Wind Eskildsen, Elisabeth Zetterholm, Malin Ågren
Presentations will be for 20 minutes plus a 10-minute discussion time/change of rooms.
1st Call for Papers (Swedish version) – ladda ned PDF
1st Call for Papers (English version) – download PDF
2nd Call for Papers (Swedish version) – ladda ned PDF
2nd Call for Papers (English version) – download PDF
3rd Call for Papers (Swedish version) - ladda ner PDF
3rd Call for Papers (English version) - download PDF