Upcoming events

June 17 webinar at 1 PM. EBAN invite to a discussion on – what now?
The proposal to declare Anthropocene a new geological epoch was rejected by the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy in March this year. To join the seminar click here:
- https://viadk.zoom.us/j/63603521974?pwd=dWNlbUcwbkFEUXVPdTJDVEM3M3B3Zz09
- To listen to a podcast discussing the decision: The Conversation Weekly: The Anthropocene epoch that isn't
EBAN Ph.D. seminar and research writing retreat Monday 25 – Thursday 28 November 2024
Tentative title and scope: Bildung in the Anthropocene – how to make educational and (post)humanistic research on Education, Culture, and Bildung in an Anthropocene age? Focus: Critically examination of new research theories, approaches, methodologies, concepts, and research strategies applied in the context of educational research and/or environmental humanities, such as eco-phenomenology, eco-feminism, posthuman, post-qualitative, post-colonial, multispecies and more-than-human research strategies, and frameworks, including several turns such as the reparative, regenerative, affective, playful, material, and plant-based turn.
Central activities during the 4-day seminar: Conversations and presentations, including keynotes, workshops, and activities outside, good time for Ph.D.-students to present and get their research projects discussed in smaller groups together with senior researchers, as well as text seminars on selected key texts within the syllabus. Perhaps small cultural events and relating with the local environment.
Ph.D. Course EBAN: https://event.sdu.dk/ebanphd/conference
Organized by CUHRE, SDU, https://www.sdu.dk/en/cuhre