ITRACT - Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies
Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies (ITRACT) aims to improve the connectivity and accessibility of remote areas in the North Sea Region through the integration of innovative transport and communication infrastructure.
The accessibility of regions is a clear advantage in terms of their social-economic development. With new technologies, such as satellite and integrated sensor networks, transport and accessibility of remote areas can be improved in innovative ways. ITRACT intends to develop and test innovative tools for efficient, user- and environmentfriendly transport networks across the North Sea Region. Our aim is to create sustainable and inclusive regional economies and communities throughout the North Sea Region by improving the virtual and physical modes of transport on a large scale. The project focuses on the development and use of novel ICT applications and brings together technology experts - in the fields of ICT, Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing - with socio-economic experts.
The project is founded by European Regional Development Fund.