Thesis proposals on software engineering (SQuaD)
The list of topics below is outdated and will be removed soon. You find currently open master thesis topics here.
Below you find open thesis proposals related to the research group SQuaD (Software Quality and Digital Modernisation) within Computer Science at Karlstad University.
Use this form for applying and send it to
- Thesis at Moelven Industrier
- Machine learning - a data quality framework
- Robustness Testing of Object Detection and Image Classification using Data Augmentation and Deep Learning
- Automatic phase and grain detection for cemented carbides using deep learning
- Edge Analytics for Real-Time Defect Detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
- Deep Learning for Feature Extraction in Residential and Commercial Electricity Usage Applications
- Clustering Analysis for Energy Consumption
- Photovoltaic systems power production prediction by using machine learning with limited time-series data
- Load prediction of partially observed (digitalized) systems using Machine Learning
- Using AI for quality insurance for 3D Additive Manufacturing (Uddeholm AB&KAU)
- Master Thesis: "Parameter estimation of system of ODEs using Dynamic Mode Decomposition" at Viking Analytics AB
- Master Thesis: "Identification of rotational speed using stochastic resonance" at Viking Analytics AB
- Master Thesis Proposal: “Using wireless brain data collection headsets to
detect nonverbal preferences” - Master/CivIng thesis “fault testing in automotive communication” at AF, Karlstad
CivIng thesis for a student that might be interested in looking into electrical flight and the overall energy and power challenge for a future airport with electrical flights. How to optimize with solar power, energy storage etc, based on current situation and future assumption. Contact person: Jonas Persson
- Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Graph
- Migrating a monolithic Telecom Application to Microservice Architecture on Google Kubernetes