Forests as resources and opportunities in regional development
The project aims to contribute to the strengthening of regional innovation systems in Värmland, in relation to the transition to a forest-based sustainable bioeconomy.

The project explores what it means for a region to transit towards a bio-economy, and the processes through which regional actors build and implement such transition. The project is carried out with the case study of three European regions where strategies of smart specialisation and regional innovation systems are set in place to promote a forest-based bioeconomy.
Involved research group: Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation (CRS)
Project leader: Margareta Dahlström, professor of human geography.
Researcher: Diana Morales, postdoctoral researcher
Funder: Karlstad University and Region Värmland through the Academy for Smart Specialisation
Project period: January 2019-December 2020