Action for Organisational Change
The Centre for Gender Studies (CGF) at Karlstad University has had a long standing focus upon investigating and practically developing different change processes in organisations of various kinds from a feminist perspective. This focus on “Action for Organisational Change” involves analysing, enabling, and generating social change. The Centre has, for instance, undertaken several substantial research and development projects on gender equality work and on strategies for responding to resistance arising from that gender equality work. The focus of this theme is also thoroughly integrated into the Gender Studies syllabi.
Within this thematic stream the intention is to avoid the common divide between theoretical analysis and empirical application. This stream focusses on theorising organisations and methodologies to achieve change, to offer teaching in the area, as well as advancing its parallel concentration upon practical implementation processes. Research on organisations and change tends to either be very descriptive and instrumental—with limited attention to analysis, socio-political implications, and portability of the research—or it is limited by a managerial organisational orientation. CGF’s research profile challenges these limitations in much existing work in the field. The Centre aims to connect robust and socially located theoretical analysis with reflexive practical implementation in research on organisations and change. In this context, CGF offers a critical approach which raises questions concerning notions of change in organisations, and engages with cutting-edge international debates regarding the meaning of gender equality, and the significance of intersectionality and gender diversity.
CGF is presently a partner in “The Nordic network for comparative studies of the “Nordic gender equality model”. The “The Nordic network for comparative studies of the Nordic gender equality model”, is a collaboration between different universities and researchers in the Nordic countries. Within that network researchers share knowledge around challenges and perspectives in Nordic gender equality policy and practice.
CGF has also played an active part in the project, “Diversity Laboratory”, which concentrated on the regional actors in Värmland and explored inclusive and exclusive practices within organisational innovation and entrepreneurship. One illustrative objective here was to look for possible avenues for change, both within the established partner organisations and also beyond these organisations, such as developing an alternative space for ideas and people. The project was running during 2014 – 2015 and CGF is involved in exploring possibilities for further work in this area.
The CGF approach is to research possibilities for a feminist approach to social change and then enact implementation strategies to advance those possibilities. By gaining knowledge about how organisations situate themselves, the Centre is also able to contribute new methodologies for change. The theme of ‘Action for organisational change’ is framed by the recognition that feminist research on social life is not merely about understanding and clarifying social processes and power relations but importantly about social innovation to advance social justice.
Perspectives about organisational change are discussed in different courses at CGF:
A-course/Gender Studies 1 - submodule 3: ”Organisation, resistance and change”, 7, 5 ECTS.
Gender, gender equality – theory and practice.
Groundlevel, evening course: “Leadership, organisation and gender”. 7,5 ECTS.
Groundlevel, evening course: “Gender and gender equality in theory and practice”, 7,5 ECTS. (Fall of 2016)
Dr. Eva Amundsdotter
Eva Amundsdotter is a senior lecturer at the CGF. Her thesis “To develop and alter the order – action oriented gender research for gender equal organisations” is written in the field of Gender, Organisation and Change. Five network groups of change leaders at different workplaces in Sweden were working with learning, change and to create knowledge about what was going on in their respective organisations.
Dr Line Holth
Dr Line Holths thesis Straight roads and winding roads: on gender, engineers, and technology careers is written in the research field of human work science, gender and technology, where the engineers, the higher education of engineers and technicians' labor market is focused.
She is the director of the CGF-environment.
Dr. Christine Beasley
Dr Chris Beasley is Professor in Politics and from 2009-2013 she was inaugural Co-Director of the Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender at the University of Adelaide. Professor Beasley is the founder of the Centre.
She is connected to CGF in several ways, as a guest professor and as a part of the Gexcel
Manuel Almberg Missner, B.A.
Manuel Almberg Missner is active as a teacher at CGF. Besides teaching, Manuel is working with consulting, lecturing and moderating around themes as gender, gender equality, masculinities and norms.
Current Research Projects
‘”Exposure and vulnerability in focus. Strategies for increased security in homes and on leisure time”.
The project is cooperation between Centre for Gender Studies (CGF) and the Centre for Personal Safety (CFPS) at Karlstad University. The project is funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).
Previous Research Projects:
Two major research programmes on gender and the rescue services. (The Gender Coded Rescue Services and Gender, Rescue Services, and Organisation) The projects were focussing the male dominated rescue services and possibilities for a more gender balanced organisation and how to include more women. (Funded by The Swedish Civil contingencies Agency, MSB, 2010-2014 )
Approaching resistance towards gender equality work.
Applied research on gender equality work of relevance to partners involved in the project (November 2013 – September 2015)
CGF was engaged in a project concerned with advancing strategies responding to resistance to gender equality programs in organisations. This applied research project on gender equality work has involved a range of different organisational partners, such as Rescue Services, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SKL and is furthering theoretical, methodological and community based scholarship and policy development.
Project JämVäxt 2.0 [Equal Growth 2.0] and centres on the transition from education to work.
The project was funded by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (European Regional Development Funds), Region Värmland and Karlstad University. The owner of the project was The Center for Gender Studies (CGF).
Eva Amundsdotter
Amundsdotter, E, Ericson, M, Jansson, U & Linghag, S (2015) Motstånd och strategier i jämställdhetsarbete. Karlstad: Karlstad University Press.
Amundsdotter, E (2009) Att framkalla och förändra ordningen: aktionsorienterad genusforskning för jämställda organisationer. Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet, 2009. 243 s. (Doctoral thesis / Luleå University of Technology).
Andersson, S & Amundsdotter, E (2014) Att bygga genusmedvetna organisationer- en utmaning för partnerna på arbetsmarknaden. I Jämställt arbete? Organisatoriska ramar och villkor i arbetslivet. Forskningsrapport till Delegationen för jämställdhet i arbetslivet. SOU 2014:30 Stockholm: Fritzes. Sid 109-128.
Andersson, S & Amundsdotter, E (2012) Developing Innovative Organisations using Action-oriented Gender Research. In S Andersson, K Berglund, E Gunnarsson, & Sundin E (Eds) (2012). Promoting innovations. Policies, Practices and Procedures. Stockholm: VINNOVA. Sid 310-327.
Amundsdotter, E (2008) Gemensamt kunskapande om motstånd och förändring. I Johannisson, B; Gunnarsson, E & Stjernberg, T (red) Gemensamt kunskapande: den interaktiva forskningens praktik. Växjö: Växjö universitet 2008. Sid 275-290.
Amundsdotter, E (2006) Interactive Research for Gender Equality in Workplaces I Agaard Nielsen K & Svensson L(Eds.) Action Research and Interactive Research. Beyond practice and theory Shaker Publishing, 2006. Sid 277-295
Rönnblom, M, Amundsdotter, E, Carbin, M & Keisu, B-I (2014) Hållbar strukturell förändring – möjlighet eller utopi? Umeå universitet. Slutrapport från ett projekt finansierat av Delegationen för jämställdhet i högskolan. Stockholm: Universitets- och högskolerådet.
Svensson, M, Andersson, S & Amundsdotter, E (2012) Gen(us)vägar för hållbar tillväxt i Fiber Optic Valley. Slutrapport. Vinnova.
Andersson, S & Amundsdotter, E (2013) Genusmedvetet akademiskt ledarskap. En redovisning av projektet Genusmedvetna chefer ett villkor för ett genusmedvetet universitet. Stockholm: Universitets- och högskolerådet.
Andersson, S, Amundsdotter, E, Svensson, M & Däldehög, A-S. (2009) Mellanchefen – en maktpotential. Aktionsorienterad genusforskning. En rapport från Fiber Optic Valley
Andersson, S, Amundsdotter, E, Svensson, M & Däldehög, A-S. (2009) Middle managers as change agents. Action oriented Gender research. (översättning av Mellanchefen – en maktpotential, se ovan)
Däldehög A-S (red.), Andersson S, Amundsdotter E, Svensson M & Franzén C. (2012) Genusmedvetet ledarskap: -resan från ickefråga till tillväxtfråga. Liber: Stockholm
Learning community in an innovation system. Amundsdotter, E (2010) I Fogelberg Eriksson, A. (Redaktör), i: Proceedings from the international conference Equality growth & sustainability : do they mix?: Linköping university 25-26 november 2010. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings; Nr 58)
Line Holth
Holth, Line (2015). Den raka och den krokiga vägen: om genus, ingenjörer och teknikkarriärer. Diss. (sammanfattning) Karlstad : Karlstads universitet, 2015
(Doctoral thesis: Straight roads and winding roads: on gender, engineers, and technology careers.)
Holth, Line (2014). Passionate men and rational women: gender contradictions in engineering. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies (Online). 2014(9):2, s. 97-110
Holth, Line, Jordansson, Birgitta & Gonäs, Lena (2012). Gender and the division of labour in a swedish context. Gender and change : power, politics and everyday practices. S. 75-94
Holth, Line (2012). Den raka och den krokiga vägen till ingenjörsyrket: om rationella kvinnor och passionerade män. Segregationens seghet och dess föränderliga former : en vänbok till Lena Gonäs. S. 141-159
Holth, Line (2012). IT-ingenjörers etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Arbetsmarknad & arbetsliv. 2012(18):2, s. 13-27
Åberg, Magnus, Strid, Sofia & Holth, Line (red.) (2014). Genusvetenskapliga gr). Gefia & HoTidskrift för genusvetenskap. 2014:1, s. 3-121
Christine Beasley
Books Published
C. Beasley et al., Heterosexuality in Theory and Practice, Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality Series, London & NY, 2012
A.Bletsas and C. Beasley eds, Engaging with Carol Bacchi: Strategic Interventions and Exchanges, University of Adelaide Press, 2012
C. Beasley, Sexual Economyths: Conceiving a Feminist Economics, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1994
Chapters in Books
C. Beasley and B. Cao, ‘Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking in the First Year Experience’, in H. Brook, D. Fergie, M. Maeorg, and D. Mitchell eds, Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience, University of Adelaide Press, Adelaide, 2014, pages 163-181.
C. Beasley, ‘Sexual Health, Sex Education and Violence’ in D. Cherubini and S. Magaraggia eds, Men against Women?: The roots of Masculine Violence against Women, (Uomini Contro Le Donne?: Le Radici Della Violenza Maschile), University of Milan-Bicocca publications, Milan, 2013, pp. 169-186.
C. Bacchi and C. Beasley, ‘Reproductive Technology and the political limits of
“care” ’, in M. Shildrick and R. Mytikiuk eds, Ethics of the Body: Postconventional Challenges, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., & London, 2005, 175-94
Articles in Refereed Journals accepted for publication
K. Jones, J. Merrick and C. Beasley, The Social Construction of Oral Health in Australian mass media, for Australian Dental Journal, accepted for publication 2015
Articles in Refereed Journals
C. Beasley and Benito Cao, ‘Transforming First-Year University Politics Students into Critical Thinkers’, ERGO, 2(3), 2012: 41-52
(nonHERDC) C. Beasley and M. Warin, ‘Introduction’, Health Sociology Review, Special Issue: Re-imagining Preventive Health—Theoretical Perspectives, Guest Editor, 17 (4), August 2008
C. Beasley, ‘The Challenge of Pleasure: Re-imagining Sexuality and Sexual Health’, Health Sociology Review, Special Issue: Re-imagining Preventive Health—Theoretical Perspectives, 17 (4), August 2008
C. Beasley and C. Bacchi, ‘Envisaging a New Politics for an Ethical Future: Beyond trust, care and generosity towards an Ethic of Social Flesh’, Feminist Theory, 8(3), December 2007
C. Bacchi and C. Beasley, ‘The Limits of Trust and Respect: Rethinking Dependency’, Social Alternatives, vol. 24, no. 4, 2005
Manuel Almberg Missner
Missner Almberg, M & Nilsson, M (2012) Hur Värmland blir vinnare inom jämställd tillväxt – en nulägesanalys. Fakta i korthet nr 4, 2012. Region Värmland.
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