Seminarier och workshops
Inauguration of AT-LAB
5 April 2018, 14.00 - 15.30
21A247, House 21 Karlstads university
AT-LAB is an additive manufacturing laboratory supported by the EU grant via Tillväxtverket together with Region Värmland and Karlstad University. The laboratory is working close to regional industries, SMEs, cluster organization IUC Stål och verkstad. It is a part of Academi of Smart Specialization at Karlstad University.
Project leader Prof. Pavel Krakhmalev:
We would like to advertise a launch of the AT-LAB at Karlstad University. During previous years, we have established a good network of industrial partners and Swedish research organizations interested in 3D metal printing. Our ambitions are to introduce this new technology to regional industries including SMEs, and to promote regional development towards smart manufacturing concept. Project goals, project description and contact persons are found at our web page.
Seminar #2
AT-LAB at Karlstads university, Uddeholms AB and Örebro university invite you to participate in the open seminar about 3D-printing, additive manufacturing. Among the topics are materials for AM, component design, general predict design, business models etc.
5 December, 9am – 12am, Futurum, Sandbacka Park, Spångv. 10, Sandviken.
The seminar is free for all private participants, representatives of academia and industry, and students. Amount of places is limited, please sign up latest 28 November 2017 via email
See a clip about the seminar here
Seminar #1
AT-LAB at Karlstads university, Uddeholms AB and Örebro university invite you to participate in the open seminar about 3D-printing, additive manufacturing. Among the topics are materials for AM, component design, general predict design, business models etc.
14 November, 9am – 12am, Ljungbergssalen (Ägget) House 21, Karlstads universitet, Karlstad.
The seminar is free for all private participants, representatives of academia and industry, and students. Amount of places is limited, please sign up latest 7 November 2017 via email
See a clip about the seminar here