Family Planning
The panel Family Planning invites presentations that focus on various gendered aspects of family planning/planning family, broadly understood. We invite presentations on how family planning – both in terms of (non)reproduction and in terms of planning family life in its many dimensions over the long life trajectory – is linked to temporalities and spaces, as well as to gender, class, age, nationality, and more. The panel is open for presentations about “family planning” involving reproductive issues (such as reproductive autonomy, assisted reproductive technologies, abortion, and more), as well as on family as a life project for individuals (where class-bound norms, for example about proper “timing” and “planning well” have various effects across differences). The panel is also open for presentations on “family plans” as part of larger national projects. In all these areas, certain disruptions of plans and planning of/for families have occurred as an effect of the covid pandemic, and planning as such may have taken on “distanced” forms for this reason, as well as other reasons. We hope to attract interdisciplinary as well as disciplinary presentations, across the humanities, social sciences, medicine and technology.
Helena Wahlström Henriksson1
1Professor, Professor, Centrum För Genusvetenskap , Uppsala Universitet