Serial Killer Narratives
Here, There, Everywhere: The Figure of the Serial Killer November 10-11, 2022
Symposium arranged by KuFo, The Research Group for Cultural Studies at Karlstad University

Deltagande sker i mån av plats. För deltagande via Zoom kontakta Sofia Wijkmark i god tid.
Torsdag November 10, 3A 340
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 13.15 Inledning
13.15 – 14.30 Katrina Jan, PhD-candidate, University of Birmingham: “Jack the Ripper, Sex and the Nineteenth Century”
14.30 –14.50 Coffee
14.50 –15.25 Morten Feldtfos Thomsen, senior lecturer, and Sofia Wijkmark, associate professor, comparative literature, Karlstad University: “The Scandinavian Serial Killer Narrative: Intermediality and the Welfare State”
15.25-16.00 Erik van Ooijen, associate Professor, comparative literature, Karlstad University: “Thoughts on Cannibalism and Taste”
16.00-16.30 Linus Gårdfeldt, poet and teacher of creative writing, Karlstad University: “Vocoder: Ur röstregistret” (will be performed in Swedish)
Fredag November 11, Minerva
9.15 – 9.45 Valeria Villegas Lindvall, Ph.D., Film Studies, University of Gothenburg: “Between Lunacy and Patriarchal Lucidity: The Serial Killer and Argentinian Modernity in El Vampiro Negro (1953)”
9.45-10.30 Maria Karlsson Ph.D., Literary Studies & Mats Hyvönen, Ph.D., Media and Communication Studies, Uppsala University: True Crime on the Air. The Representation of Crime, the Law, and the Justice System in Swedish Public Service Radio´s P3 Documentary 2005–2020.
10.30 –10.50 Kaffe
10.50 – 11.30 Mathias Clasen, Associate Professor, English, Aarhus University: Why Are We Fascinated with Serial Killers? An Evolutionary Perspective on a Peculiar Cultural Obsession.
11.30-12.15 Avslutning
12.15 Lunch