7th International Workshop on Kinetic Theory & Applications
The workshop on Kinetic Theory and Applications takes place at Karlstad University, June19-21, 2017
In honour of the 70th birthday of Alexander Bobylev

1. General Mathematical Problems of Classical Kinetic Theory
2. Kinetic Theory & Hydrodynamics
3. Numerical Methods & Applications to Rarefied Gas Dynamics
K. Aoki, Taipei/Tainan City
L. Arkeryd, Göteborg
H. Babovsky, Ilmenau
C. Bardos, Paris
A. Bobylev, Moscow
S. Brull, Bordeaux
S. Caprino, Rome
P. Degond, London
F. Filbet, Toulouse
I. Gamba, Austin, Texas
F. Golse, Paris
M. Groppi, Parma
T.-P. Liu,Taipei
C. Negulescu, Toulouse
A. Nouri, Marseille
I. Potapenko, Moscow
M. Pulvirenti, Rome
S. Rjasanow, Saarbrücken
C. Saffirio, Zürich
G. Spiga, Parma
S. Takata, Kyoto
G. Toscani, Pavia
T. Yang, Hong Kong
The workshop will be held at Karlstad University. Karlstad is the main city in Värmland, a province of distinct natural beauty. It is located roughly half-way between Oslo and Stockholm. Directions to campus.
For more information please contact organizers, Birgitta Ländin (birgitta.landin@kau.se)
Niclas Bernhoff (niclas.bernhoff@kau.se)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Karlstad University, Sweden
Bernt Wennberg (wennberg@chalmers.se)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
If you're interested in participating at the workshop, please, contact Niclas Bernhoff
The workshop is financially supported by: The Swedish Research Council and Karlstad University