Buy or borrow course literature
Studying involves a great deal of reading and examination is usually based on the required course literature. Course readings can be in Swedish and English in the form of anything from a thick book to a thin compendium.

University library
Karlstad University Library is one of the finest university libraries in Sweden. It acts as a central focal point that offers high quality academic services to students, researchers and the general public.
All course literature should be available at the university library. These books are in great demand, so queue up, preferably via the web if you have a library card and a pin code.
Buy second-hand books
Second-hand books can be bought from former students. Keep a look-out or advertise at the Student Portal. There is also a shop for second-hand course books on campus, Adlibris campus. They also sell new copies of course literature and all sorts of pads and pens. New and used course books are also available at various Internet bookstores.
Reading tips
Once you have bought or borrowed the course books, you need to focus on what the actual reading requires of you. Are you expected to learn facts or to think critically?
There are many different study techniques and tips available on-line, of a general nature as well as subject-specific. A general first step is to browse all the texts to get an idea of content. Read headings, tables of content, and introductions to form an understanding of the area and the approach.
Another useful strategy is to study the material before each class. This will help you to ask questions and discuss with the teacher instead of simply listen.