Examination abroad
Students can take exams abroad at a Swedish embassy, consulate or a partner university that has an agreement with Karlstad University. If you are an exchange student, you also have the option of taking an exam at the university where you are doing your exchange, and students who have done their exchange at Karlstad University can also choose to take an exam at their home university given that Karlstad University has an agreement with them.
It is your responsibility as a student to contact your exchange university, embassy or consulate and provide a contact person for the central exam administration (Tentamenssamordningen) at Kau. He or she must be able to communicate in Swedish or English. You apply to take an exam abroad by filling in the form “Request for exam arrangements abroad” (find the document on the right side of this page) and submitting it to the exam administration via email to tenta@kau.se four weeks before the scheduled exam date at the latest. You need to fill in an application form for each individual exam. You must also register for the exam via My Kau no later than 14 days before the exam date.
Once the exam administration has received the form, they will contact the point of contact at the partner university/embassy/consulate. A request is then sent to the course examiner who decides in the matter.
Important to keep in mind
The same conditions apply when taking an exam abroad as if you were taking the exam at Karlstad University, that is, the same day, time and with the presence of an exam supervisor. You may submit the exam after 45 minutes at the earliest.
When you have finished writing, the exam supervisor collects the exam and then scans the answer sheets and sends them to the exam administration at Karlstad University. The exam as well as attachments should also be sent by post to the exam administration.