Psychosocial work within healthcare
Patients with acquired brain injury and their relatives' experiences of psychosocial support in healthcare Ongoing licentiate thesis
The purpose of the project is to develop knowledge about meaningful aspects of psychosocial support in healthcare. Through interviews with individuals with acquired brain injuries and their relatives, experiences of psychosocial support within healthcare are examined.
Ph.D. Candidate: Monika Högsnes
Fatherhood, parental collaboration, and mental health
New parents face significant life changes that challenge their personal social lives and mental health. For approximately 4 years (2021-2024), Olov Aronson has conducted research collaborations with researchers at Karolinska Institutet to explore how new fathers experience the first years of their children's lives. The project has investigated the types of professional support new fathers seek and the types of professional support that contribute to improved mental health among new fathers. The development of relationships between new fathers and new mothers has also been examined.