Physics didactics
Dynamic mathematics software in physics education
Contact persons: Lorena Solvang, Jesper Haglund
Other researchers: Niklas Gericke
Brief description of the research:
Dynamic mathematics software, such as Geogebra, has received increasing attention in mathematics education. In her licentiate project, Lorena Solvang studies how dynamic mathematics software can be adapted and used in upper-secondary physics education.
Ethiopian physics students’ attitude to physics
Contact persons: Yohanes Wolde-Senbet, Jesper Haglund
Other researchers: Jan Andersson
Brief description of the research:
In Ethiopia, there are challenges regarding knowledge of and attitudes to physics among university physics students. In his licentiate project, Yohanes Wolde-Senbet studies Ethiopian physics students’ attitudes to the subject though questionnaire surveys, such as the Maryland Physics Expectations Survey (MPEX) and the Physics motivation questionnaire (PMQ-II).
Infrared cameras in science education
Contact person: Jesper Haglund
Other researchers: Konrad Schönborn, Fredrik Jeppsson, Robin Samuelsson, Maja Elmgren
Brief description of the research:
Infrared (IR) cameras enable students to see otherwise invisible thermal phenomena, such as heat conduction and heat radiation, and temperature change due to friction, collisions and chemical reactions. In our research, we study through video analysis how infrared cameras can contribute to science education, in particular within physics and chemistry, in primary and secondary education and at the university level. Haglund has a research collaboration with teachers at Lillerudsgymnasiet. Teaching is developed and tested for upper secondary school pupils at the Natural Resource Use Programme (Naturbruksprogrammet). Infrared cameras is used in the study of, for example, animal temperature regulation. Haglund, Jeppsson and Schönborn have a contract with Springer Publisher for an edited book with the title “Thermal cameras in science education”, planned to be published in 2021.
Practical exercises in mechanics
Contact persons: Jesper Haglund, Jan Andersson
Other researchers: Marcus Berg
Brief description of the research:
As a case of practice-based research in collaboration between physics education researchers and university physics teachers, we have developed and implemented practical exercises in a university mechanics course. Students conduct the practical exercises, for example physically comparing the force of pulling up a 5 kg weight with a rope with or without a system of pulleys, during about 10 minutes in random groups of 3-4 students during their lectures. In the research, students’ interaction is studied through video analysis.
Teacher students’ learning of electromagnetism
Contact persons: Jan Andersson
Other researchers: Gunnar Jonsson, Mälardalen University
Brief description of the research:
A teaching sequence on electromagnetism has been developed and implemented, where teacher students specializing in year 4-6 teaching study generation and transfer of energy with a wind power plant as a rich context. In the research, students’ interaction is studied through video analysis.