The Industrial Graduate School VIPP
VIPP stands for Values created In fibre-based Processes and Products and was a multidisciplinary industrial graduate school hosted by Pro2BE in Karlstad, Sweden. It was based on a close collaboration between companies mainly involved in the forest industry and research environments at Karlstad University.
The graduate school was a collaboration between Chemical Engineering, Environmental and Energy Systems as well as the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University and a number of companies mainly in the forest industry in Sweden and Finland. The graduate school had three main areas:
Manufacturing and material-oriented research (paper & mass)
Research on energy and environmental aspects (energy and environment)
Research on value creation processes and service perspectives (services)
The project was funded by participating companies, the KK Foundation and Karlstad University with a total of 85 MSEK and is planed for the period 2011-2020.