Water Energy Nexus
We work within the paradigm of a circular forest based bioeconomy using a system analysis perspective.

The research group Water-Energy Nexus at Karlstad University contribute to a circular forest based bioeconomy by upgrading low-value sidestreams to raw materials, which are then used for production of useful materials and energy carriers.
Our vision
We research biomaterials using a systems perspective to enable resource efficiency.
Our mission
- Research utilization of low value side-streams, mostly from the forest industry sector.
- Work within the paradigm of a circular forest based bioeconomy, using a system analysis perspective.
- Improve energy efficiency in treatment processes; recover useful substances such as nutrients, lignin and chemical flocculants, and create valuable resources such as biogas, biooil, biochar, bioplactics and biohydrogen.
Our offer
We are looking for industrial partners with interesting waste streams who wish to collaborate in finding ways to utilize them sustainably with regards to resource efficiency, energy efficiency and economic viability. We also welcome cooperation with universities and research institutes.
Our specialized laboratory equipment
- continuous fermentation reactors which enables us to develop methods to produce feedstocks for biopolymer production
- batch fermentation reactors for automated determination of the fatty acid potential of various biological substances.
- continuous anaerobic digestion reactors which enable us to study both methane potential and long-time effects such as build-up of inhibitors
- batch anaerobic digestion reactors for automated determination of the methane potential of various biological substances.
- pilot scale water aerators used for the study of oxygenation and purification of wastewater
- pilot scale reactor for the production of various substances by aerobic microorganisms
- access to extruder to produce biocomposites
Svenska Nätverket för Industriell och Urban Symbios (SNIUS)
Värmlands Läns Luftvårdsförbund
Karin Granström (Professor)
Venkatesh Govindarajan (Associate Professor)
Maria Sandberg (Associate Professor)
Ali Mohammadi (Senior Lecturer)
Roger Renström (Associate Professor)
Lena Brunzell (Lecturer)
Martyna Zywalewska (PhD Student)
Farinaz Ebrahimian (PostDoc)
Current main research projects
Recently completed research projects
NBc enriched Ash pellets (Energiforsk, 2019-2020)
Biochar pellets, a soil nutritional and liming agent or a source of energy: effects of ash and lignin on the physical and chemical properties (Åforsk, 2020)
Evaluation of nutritional pellets with enriched biocarbon from forest industrial residual products, NärSkog (Vinnova, 2018-2019)
Research environment for a sustainable forest-based bioeconomy, Fosbe (Tillväxtverket and Region Värmland, 2017-2020)
MultiBio (Vinnova 2018-2020)
Production of biopolymer of forest industrial waste P, bioP (RE: Source - Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova and Formas, 2018-2020)
Mikrosvamp för bioraffinaderi och kretslopp (Vinnova 2014-2016).
Algae culturing at pulp and paper industries for sustainable production of bio-oil (Vinnova 2011-2015)
Efficient forest industry wastewater treatment recovering energy and chemicals (Värmeforsk 2014)
The effect of biotransformation for oxygen need and energy use in forest industrial wastewater treatment plants (Värmeforsk 2014)
Energieffektiv avloppsrening med biokol – positiva kaskadeffekter för massa- och pappersbruk (J. Gust. Richert. 2016)
IMTRIS - Innovation Med Trä i Inre Skandinavien (Interreg Sverige-Norge 2015-2018)
BioSirk (Interreg Sverige-Norge 2019-2022)
Enriched biochar from forest industrial residues for fertilizing plants and woodland, NärSkog II (Vinnova, 2019- 2022)