IMTRIS is a cross-border project for the processing of wood raw materials, which is a central resource for the regional bioeconomy. Joint R & D efforts contribute to sustainable growth in the border region. Building structures for increased collaboration between universities, companies and organizations facilitates the transformation of ideas into innovations in products and services.

The overall objective of IMTRIS is to contribute to sustainable regional growth in the border region through joint cross-border R & D efforts by creating new quality assurance, making internationally-created new knowledge of the highest quality available to industry and the public sector in the region, and promote the transfer of new knowledge to product and service innovations.
Participant in development of methods: Dalarna University, Karlstad University, Oslo and Akershus University College in collaboration with relevant companies and cluster organizations.
Contributing to knowledge transfer and relations creation: Dalarna University, Karlstad University, Oslo and Akershus University College, Hedmark University College, Gjøvik University College, OCAD University, Kunnskapsbyen Lillestrøm, Tretorget, Torsby träcenter, Paper Province, Karlstad Innovation Park
Action area: Innovative environments
Swedish project owner: Karlstad University
Norwegian project owner: Oslo and Akershus University College
EU funding: 511 228 €
Governmental Interreg funding: 300 000 € (2 400 000 NOK)
Total budget: 1 772 456 €
Project period Sep 1, 2015 – Jul 31, 2018
Contact: Karin Granström, Associate Professor, Karlstad University
Five universities and university colleges collaborate in IMTRIS:
Oslo og Akershus University College
Hedmark University
These organizations are also partners in the project:
IMTRIS finansieras i Sverige till 50% och i Norge till 40 % av Interreg Sverige-Norge och verkar i region Inre Skandinavien. Interreg-programmet vill genom gränsöverskridande samarbete hantera gemensamma utmaningar i gränsregionen.
IMTRIS is financed by Interreg Sweden-Norway (Sweden 50%, Norway 40%) and operates in the region of Inner Scandinavia. The Interreg program deal with common challenges in the border region through cross-border cooperation.
The project will work in four areas; (1) Wood for and in constructions, products and services, (2) Packaging development, (3) Forest industry processes and systems and (4) Communication. The areas are described in more detail below:
Wood for and in constructions, products and services
Knowledge and product development in wooden houses takes place in an overall perspective with regard to the user's needs.
Building elements of wood - sustainable, environmentally sound and economically competitive
Pressed and compressed wood material
Moisture in wood passive houses - smart and energy efficient control of energy systems
Research center for houses - establishment in the region
Packaging development
Design with a consumer and environmental perspective leads to packaging innovations that promote sustainable development.
Food packaging for reduced food waste
LCA for packaging - development of methods to include consumer management.
Forest industry processes and systems
Research and collaboration provide better competitiveness for the manufacturing industry and a more sustainable fuel supply.
Biofuel quality in the user's perspective
Dewatering and drying of wood material
Products and services for energy efficient environmental technology
Methods for total optimization of complex energy systems
New ways of contact and new communication channels so that research environments come closer to businesses and become more accessible. Increased information flow from companies provides new conditions for R & D work with a clear user perspective.
Provision of new knowledge
Collection of business demand and user requests.