Interest groups
A number of interest groups are important for Pro2BE and we cooperate with this groups to identify research and innovation challenges and to reach the surrounding community.
Paper Province
Paper Province is a world-leading business cluster within the forest-based bioeconomy in the Swedish region of Värmland. Paper Province is involved in innovation and development, expertise, meeting arenas, internationalization and marketing. Pro2BE interacts extensively with Paper Province and often participates in activities to reach the forest-based industry of the region.
Karlstad University and Pro2BE are included in the Vinnväxt project in Värmland, financed by Vinnova and known as Paper Province 2.0. In total, it is a commitment of SEK 130 million over a ten year period. The goal of the project is to create an internationally attractive innovation environment for forest-based bioeconomy.
Region Värmland
Regarding research and innovation, Region Värmland has a long-term cooperation with Karlstad University which resulted in the installation of ten full professors during the period 2010-2014, one of which is active at Pro2BE. During the spring of 2015, Region Värmland developed a regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialization, and together with Karlstad University, the platform Academy of Smart Specialization was developed.
Karlstad University and Region Värmland cooperate through the Academy for Smart Specialization for the renewal of the business sector of Värmland, the public sector and the research at Karlstad University.
- The Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of Värmland
- Academy for Smart Specialisation
Swedish Forest Industries Federation
The Swedish Forest Industries Federation Forest is an industry organization whose mission is to strengthen competitiveness enterprises and promote increased use of forest-based products. At the top of the agenda is research and innovation to drive growth in the bioeconomy. Together with the forest industry and the research community, the Forestry Industry Research Agenda has been developed in cooperation. Researchers in Pro2BE are actively involved in the development of the research agenda.