Separatistiska rum för trygghet
Separatistiska rum för trygghet (Separatist Spaces for Security) is a project that explores separatist environments in contemporary society and the potential avenues for promoting greater gender equality.

The women's movement has consistently highlighted the significance of establishing locations exclusively for women, aiming to empower and emancipate women on both an individual and collective level. Nevertheless, in recent times, the mobilization of separatist environments has experienced growth, driven by the goal of fostering a sense of security. Karlstad University participates in the project by mapping separatist spaces to understand various forms of safe spaces and researching how separatist places are permanent solutions or are staged on specific occasions or through special arrangements.
Project Leader: Umeå University
Project Duration: 2020 – 2023
Project Contact Karlstad University: Malin Rönnblom
Research Funders: Formas
Project website: UMU