Doctoral and licentiate theses

Doctoral thesis
2021-05-19 Omar Richardson
Multiscale models and simulations for diffusion and interaction in heterogeneous domains
2020-12-03 Thoa Thieu
Models for coupled active-passive population dynamics: Mathematical analysis and simulation
ISBN 978-91-7867-164-9
2019-10-25 Arthur Vromans
Homogenization of pseudoparabolic reaction-diffusion-mechanics systems: Multiscale modeling, well-posedness and convergence rates
ISBN 978-91-7867-038-3
2017-02-10 Martin Krepela
The Weighted Space Odyssey
ISBN 978-91-7063-735-6
2015-12-15 Maria Fahlgren
Designing for the integration of dynamic software environments in the teaching of mathematics
ISBN 978-91-7063-669-1
2015-03-18 Mats Brunström
Matematiska resonemang i en lärandemiljö med dynamiska matematikprogram
ISBN 978-91-7063-623-3
2014-03-28 Yvonne Liljekvist
Lärande i matematik Om resonemang och matematikuppgifters egenskaper
ISBN 978-91-7063-546-5
2014-03-21 Olov Viirman
The function concept and university mathematics teaching.
ISBN 978-91-7063-543-4
2013-09-12 Yang Liu
Syllogistic Analysis and Cunning of Reason in Mathematics Education
ISBN 978-91-7063-505-2
2013-05-17 Martin Lind
Functions of Generalized Bounded Variation
ISBN 978-91-7063-486-4
2012-09-10 Jorryt van Bommel
Improving Teaching, Improving Learning, Improving as a Teacher - Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching as an Object of Learning
ISBN 978-91-7063-435-2
2011-12-01 Åsa Windfäll
Some Problems in Kinetic Theory and Applications
ISBN 978-91-7063-388-1
2010-09-01 Robert Algervik
Embedding Theorems for Mixed Norm Spaces and Applications
ISBN 978-91-7063-306-5
2008-10-04 Eva Mossberg
Some numerical and analytical methods for equations of wave propagation and kinetic theory
ISBN 978-91-7063-192-4
2007-04-25 Nikolai Kotik
Solution to boundary-contact problems of elasticity in mathematical models of the printing-plate contact system for flexographic printing
ISBN 978-91-7063-110-8
2006-09-29 Mikael Fjällborg
On the Einstein-Vlasov System
ISBN 91-7063-062-3
2005-12-16 Mirela Cristina Vinerean
Discrete Kinetic Models And Conservation Laws
ISBN 91-7063-022-4
2005-09-23 Niclas Bernhoff
On Half-Space and Shock-Wave Problems for Discrete Velocity Models of the Boltzmann Equation
ISBN 91-85335-73-8
Licentiate thesis
2022-05-31 Vishnu Raveendran
Homogenization of reaction-diffusion problems with nonlinear drift in thin structures
2022-05-25 Surendra Nepal
A moving boundary problem for capturing the penetration of diffusant concentration into rubbers: Modeling, simulation and analysis
2021-09-30 Andreas Borg
Designing for the incorporation of programming in mathematical education : Programming as an instrument for mathematical problem solving
2018-09-05 Omar Richardson
Mathematical Analysis and Approximation of a Multiscale Elliptic-Parabolic System
ISBN 978-91-7063-867-1
2018-06-12 Vromans, Arthur
A pseudoparabolic reaction-diffusion-mechanics system: Modeling, analysis and simulation
ISBN 978-91-7063-859-6
2016-06-02 Annika Pettersson
Graphic and Algebraic Representation Upper Secondary Students' Understanding of Linear Functions
ISBN 978-91-7063-705-6
2014-12-19 Elisabet Mellroth
High achiever! Always a high achiever? : A comparison of student achievements on mathematical tests with different aims and goals
ISBN 978-91-7063-607-3
2014-05-09 Martin Křepela
Forever Young : Convolution Inequalities in Weighted Lorentz-type Spaces
ISBN 978-91-7063-552-6
2008-10-17 Robert Algervik
Embedding Theorems for Mixed Norm Spaces and Applications
ISBN 978-91-7063-190-0
2004-05-07 Mikael Fjällborg
On the Cylindrically Symmetric Einstein-Vlasov System
ISBN 91-85019-86-0
2004-03-26 Mirela Cristina Vinerean
Classification of Normal Discrete Kinetic Models
ISBN 91-85019-72-0
2003-03-10 Niclas Bernhoff
Discrete Velocity Models and Half-Space Problems
ISBN 91-85019-20-8