Conference on Multiscale Inverse Problems
This conference aims at bringing together established and junior scientists working on sparsity regularization for solving inverse problems in multiscale contexts.

Sparsity is an important paradigm for extracting useful information from indirectly measured data, and constructing easily interpretable parsimonious models in the context of ill-posed inverse problems in heterogeneous domains.
Topics include:
1. mathematical theory (e.g. dual formulation, convergence analysis, parameter choice, source conditions, approximate sparsity);
2. statistical and Bayesian formulations of sparsity constrained inverse problems;
3. algorithms for practical multiscale inverse problems and novel applications (e.g. pedestrian flows in urban environments, chemical separation processes, resouces allocation in big data, image processing);
4. identification of parameters, model structures and fluctuations in deterministic and stochastic homogenization.
Tutorial lectures will be given for junior scientists and newcomers to the field.
When? 22-26 August, 2016
Where? Loka Brunn
Please, submit your title and abstract to the organizers asap before the end of June.
The conference is organized by Karlstad University and Örebro University.