Experimental resources
The research area of Materials Science have at Kau built a strong experimental environment in building Vänern (21) with several advanced instruments, testriggs and equipment for materials synthesis. This is a unifying factor in activities of the different groups, to jointly use, maintain and develop the laboratories.
- JEOL, JEM 2100, transmission electron microscope (TEM), 80-200kV, with < 2Å resolution, equipped with a LaB6 cathode, digital camera (SC1000 Orius), EDS and STEM facilities.
- in-situ TEM probes (STM och AFM) for characterization of electrical and mechanical properties of nanoscale structures.
- High resolution FEG scanning electron microscope,
- High-precisions 3-dimensional surface profilometer,
- instruments for testing of dynamic mechanical properties (DMTA),
- metallografic laboratory
- servohydraulic tensile testing equipment,
- sample testing equipment (tribometers and thermal fatigue),
- scanning probe microscopy (STM/AFM) in ultra-high vacuum with variable sample temperature combined with photoelectron-spectroscopy,
- atomic force microscopy (AFM) in ambient conditions,
- scanning Auger microscope,
- equipment for the growth of semiconductor materials,
- equipment for photoelectron and inverse photoelectron spectroscopies,
Additionally to these in-house-resources we also use external laboratories. In the research of Material physics, the use of synchrotron radiation for photo-electron and photo-absorption spectroscopy at the research laboratory MAX IV in Lund, is a vital part. The metallographic laboratory in Hagfors is also used.
MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden
TEM-AFM holder for studies of mechanical properties of freee-standing nanoscale structures.