Academic system
The Swedish academic system may seem confusing at a first glance. This is a good place to start your search for information about studying in Sweden and to learn some basics about how the academic system works here.
Courses are credited in ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Courses are assigned a number of credits depending on the amount of work students need to carry out in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
1.5 ECTS credits are equivalent to one week’s workload of 40 hours, including lectures, classes, contact hours, assignments and independent study. This means that a course which is allocated 15 ECTS credits has a workload requirement of approximately ten weeks full-time work including examinations.
The ECTS protocol allocates 60 credits to a full academic year’s work, and 30 credits to a semester’s work.
In most faculties and disciplines the grades awarded are:
VG = Pass with distinction
G = Pass
U = Fail
In engineering departments, the following scale may be used:
5 = Pass with great distinction
4 = Pass with distinction
3 = Pass
U = Fail
Please note that only Swedish grades are given to students. Karlstad University does not translate grades into other grading scales.
Transcript of records
Transcript of records are not sent out automatically at the end of your exchange. You can download and print your own transcript of records via “My Kau”. It is valid as an official transcript, at the bottom of the page is a link and a code, which can be used to verify your transcript. You can also email and request a copy of your transcript of records, once you know that all your grades have been reported into the system.
Semester structure
The academic year is split into two semesters, autumn and spring. The majority of courses and study programes start in the autumn. The autumn semester starts in late August and continues until mid-January the following year. The spring semester starts in mid-January and finishes in early June. An Introduction week is held one week before the official start of the semester.