Reduced climate risks in future housing and dwelling
The research programme Reduced climate risks in future housing and dwelling - learning from previous events and societal planning, was a three year programme funded by Stiftelsen länsförsäkringars forskningsfond, the research fund of insurance company Länsförsäkringar.

Swedish society is repeatedly affected by extreme weather. Over recent years, floods, windstorms and forest fires has affected individuals, organizations and infrastructure inflicting large socioeconomic costs. As the climate changes the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events increase with growing risks that Sweden might be even more exposed to extreme weather in the future.
Future consequences of extreme weather are shaped not only by the climate and weather as such but is also closely connected to how we, by using contemporary knowledge, build our society in ways that can result in vulnerabilities we bring with us into the future.
To be able to safeguard that future housing and dwellings is protected from extreme weather impacts collaboration between a wide array of societal actors is needed. Furthermore, knowledge and experiences from passed events has to paired with possible future scenarios when planning and building society.