Alumna of the month: if you get the chance to gain practical experience, take it!
Johanna Raleby Frisk tackled her study assignments straight away. Her advice to all students is to do likewise. Then there is time to revise and polish the texts without deadline pressure.

Name: Johanna Raleby Frisk
Age: 30
Exam: Bachelor in Media and communikation, 2010
Profession: Seller at HTH Köksforum
Why did you choose to study at Karlstad University?
I chose Karlstad because I didn’t want to leave this fantastic city and what I wanted to study was offered at Kau. So it was perfect.
Have you always been interested in Media and Communication Studies?
Well, always is a bit strong, but when I was ”older” the area appealed to me a lot. Besides, my father studied the same programme a long time ago and I was inspired by his work.
What was your time at the university like? Do you recall anything special?
It was fine, but I didn’t have the traditional student experience of partying and late nights. I had a cohabitee, a condo and car. I found a friend for life. Erika. We did everything together. These days we don’t meet so often but we are always there for each other whatever happens.
What do you work with today?
I’ve done a lot since I graduated. But presently I’ve just started a new job as a salesperson at HTH Köksforum. A terrific job and a completely new line of business for me.
How has your education prepared you for your career?
I really believe a lot in work experience. Even though I don’t work in the area of my studies, I know that you get a lot unconsciously. Something that has been very useful to me is the SWOT analysis. It’s really good and can be applied to many different contexts.
Do you have any tips for current students?
If you get the chance to gain practical experience, TAKE IT! In the midst of all the theory it is a fantastic opportunity to get out into real life and see how everything works. Another tip is not to postpone everything till the last day. I rather did my assignments straight away and then relaxed until the submission deadline than started two days before the deadline, trying to produce something under stress. There was time to revise and polish the text and I was never stressed.