Disputation i företagsekonomi
Peter Samuelsson försvarar sin doktorsavhandling i företagsekonomi "Framing Service Innovation in Healthcare"
Doktorsavhandling Samuelsson 2021:5
Avhandlingen handlar om följande (ur baksidestexten):
“There is an urgent need for service innovation in healthcare, and further research and knowledge supporting healthcare organizations' efforts for service innovation are essential. Simultaneously, service innovation is a fuzzy concept and is growing in diverse directions. This thesis aims to create a framework for service innovation encompassing healthcare's prerequisites and, by empirical studies, provide valuable insights for service innovation research and healthcare practice. In doing so, the thesis offers conceptual clarity to the concept of service innovation, where different service innovation approaches unravel previous preconceptions of research, together forming a framework for service innovation. The empirical findings show that service innovation is highly beneficial for healthcare organizations, leading to organizational performance and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings illustrate that there is much to gain for healthcare organizations not to undertake service innovation alone, as healthcare customers and other actors' participation play a crucial role in reaching these desirable effects.”
Händelsen är öppen för allmänheten.
- Lars Fuglsang, opponent, professor, Roskilde University, Denmark
- Nina Veflen, betygsnämnd, professor, BI, Norway
- Diana Chroneer, betygsnämnd, biträdande professor, Luleå Tekniska Universitet
- Nicklas Salomonson, betygsnämnd, professor, Högskolan i Borås
- Britt-Marie Shandrew
Telefon: 054-700 1550
E-post: britt-marie.shandrew@kau.se
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- Använd denna länk för att delta.
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