CTF-seminar Martin Schreier
Welcome to CTF-seminar,
Please note that the seminar is internal
Martin Schreier, Visiting Professor at CTF, Service Research Center will hold a seminar.
Title: How to (not) get published in top marketing journals
Martin Schreier, past associate editor at the Journal of Marketing and current editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Research in Marketing will share some insights on how to (not) get published in top marketing journals. After a brief kick-off into the topic, there will be ample room to share experiences and discuss questions from the audience..
The seminar will be held in English.
Please observe that it is a face to face seminar and we won´t be using zoom.
For more information please contact charlotta.andersson@kau.se
Sal: 11D 103C
Datum: 2022-11-30
Tid: 10:15-11:45